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A tool to manage and update libraries (modules) on a CircuitPython device.


Circup requires Python 3.5 or higher.

In a virtualenv, pip install circup should do the trick. This is the simplest way to make it work.

If you have no idea what a virtualenv is, try the following command, pip3 install --user circup.


If you use the pip3 command to install CircUp you must make sure that your path contains the directory into which the script will be installed. To discover this path,

  • On Unix-like systems, type python3 -m site --user-base and append bin to the resulting path.

  • On Windows, type the same command, but append Scripts to the resulting path.

What does Circup Do?

Each CircuitPython library on the device usually has a version number as metadata within the module.

This utility looks at all the libraries on the device and checks if they are the most recent (compared to the versions found in the most recent version of the Adafruit CircuitPython Bundle and Circuitpython Community Bundle). If the libraries are out of date, the utility helps you update them.

The Adafruit CircuitPython Bundle can be found here:

Full details of these libraries, what they’re for and how to get them, can be found here:

The Circuitpython Community Bundle can be found here:


If you need more detailed help using Circup see the Learn Guide article “Use CircUp to easily keep your CircuitPython libraries up to date”.

First, plug in a device running CircuiPython. This should appear as a mounted storage device called CIRCUITPY.

To get help, just type the command:

$ circup
Usage: circup [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  A tool to manage and update libraries on a CircuitPython device.

  --verbose         Comprehensive logging is sent to stdout.
  --version         Show the version and exit.
  --path DIRECTORY  Path to CircuitPython directory. Overrides automatic
                    path detection.
  --help            Show this message and exit.
  -r --requirement  Supports requirements.txt tracking of library
                    requirements with freeze and install commands.

  freeze        Output details of all the modules found on the connected...
  install       Installs .mpy version of named module(s) onto the device.
  install --py  Installs .py version of named module(s).
  list          Lists all out of date modules found on the connected...
  show          Show the long list of all available modules in the bundle.
  show <query>  Search the names in the modules in the bundle for a match.
  uninstall     Uninstall a named module(s) from the connected device.
  update        Update modules on the device. Use --all to automatically update
                all modules.

To automatically install all modules imported by, $ circup install --auto:

$ circup install --auto
Found device at /Volumes/CIRCUITPY, running CircuitPython 7.0.0-alpha.5.
Searching for dependencies for: ['adafruit_bmp280']
Ready to install: ['adafruit_bmp280', 'adafruit_bus_device', 'adafruit_register']

Installed 'adafruit_bmp280'.
Installed 'adafruit_bus_device'.
Installed 'adafruit_register'.

To search for a specific module containing the name bme: $ circup show bme:

$ circup show bme
Found device at /Volumes/CIRCUITPY, running CircuitPython 6.1.0-beta.2.
2 shown of 257 packages.

To show version information for all the modules currently on a connected CIRCUITPYTHON device:

$ circup freeze

With $ circup freeze -r, Circup will save, in the current working directory, a requirements.txt file with a list of all modules currently installed on the connected device.

To list all the modules that require an update:

$ circup list
The following modules are out of date or probably need an update.

Module             Version  Latest
------------------ -------- --------
adafruit_binascii  v1.0     1.0.1
adafruit_ble       1.0.2    4.0

To interactively update the out-of-date modules:

$ circup update
Found 3 module[s] needing update.
Please indicate which modules you wish to update:

Update 'adafruit_binascii'? [y/N]: Y
Update 'adafruit_ble'? [y/N]: Y

Install a module or modules onto the connected device with:

$ circup install adafruit_thermal_printer
Installed 'adafruit_thermal_printer'.

$ circup install adafruit_thermal_printer adafruit_bus_io
Installed 'adafruit_thermal_printer'.
Installed 'adafruit_bus_io'.

If you need to work with the original .py version of a module, use the –py flag.

$ circup install –py adafruit_thermal_printer Installed ‘adafruit_thermal_printer’.

You can also install a list of modules from a requirements.txt file in the current working directory with:

$ circup install -r requirements.txt
Installed 'adafruit_bmp280'.
Installed 'adafruit_lis3mdl'.
Installed 'adafruit_lsm6ds'.
Installed 'adafruit_sht31d'.
Installed 'neopixel'.

Uninstall a module or modules like this:

$ circup uninstall adafruit_thermal_printer
Uninstalled 'adafruit_thermal_printer'.

$ circup uninstall adafruit_thermal_printer adafruit_bus_io
Uninstalled 'adafruit_thermal_printer'.
Uninstalled 'adafruit_bus_io'.

Use the --verbose flag to see the logs as the command is working:

$ circup --verbose freeze
Logging to /home/ntoll/.cache/circup/log/circup.log

10/18/2020 00:54:43 INFO: ### Started Circup ###
10/18/2020 00:54:43 INFO: Found device: /Volumes/CIRCUITPY
Found device at /Volumes/CIRCUITPY, running CircuitPython 6.0.0-alpha.1-1352-gf0b37313c.
10/18/2020 00:54:44 INFO: Freeze
10/18/2020 00:54:44 INFO: Found device: /Volumes/CIRCUITPY
... etc ...

The --path flag let’s you pass in a different path to the CircuitPython mounted volume. This is helpful when you have renamed or have more than one CircuitPython devices attached:

$ circup --path /run/media/user/CIRCUITPY1 list

The --version flag will tell you the current version of the circup command itself:

$ circup --version
CircUp, A CircuitPython module updater. Version 0.0.1

That’s it!

Library Name Autocomplete

When enabled, circup will autocomplete library names, simliar to other command line tools.

For example:

circup install n + tab -circup install neopixel (+tab: offers neopixel and neopixel_spi completions)

circup install a + tab -circup install adafruit\_ + m a g + tab -circup install adafruit_magtag

How to Activate Library Name Autocomplete

In order to activate shell completion, you need to inform your shell that completion is available for your script. Any Click application automatically provides support for that.

For Bash, add this to ~/.bashrc:

eval "$(_CIRCUP_COMPLETE=bash_source circup)"

For Zsh, add this to ~/.zshrc:

eval "$(_CIRCUP_COMPLETE=zsh_source circup)"

For Fish, add this to ~/.config/fish/completions/

eval (env _CIRCUP_COMPLETE=fish_source circup)

Open a new shell to enable completion. Or run the eval command directly in your current shell to enable it temporarily. ### Activation Script

The above eval examples will invoke your application every time a shell is started. This may slow down shell startup time significantly.

Alternatively, export the generated completion code as a static script to be executed. You can ship this file with your builds; tools like Git do this. At least Zsh will also cache the results of completion files, but not eval scripts.

For Bash:

_CIRCUP_COMPLETE=bash_source circup

For Zsh:

_CIRCUP_COMPLETE=zsh_source circup

For Fish:

_CIRCUP_COMPLETE=fish_source circup

In .bashrc or .zshrc, source the script instead of the eval command:

. /path/to/

For Fish, add the file to the completions directory:

_CIRCUP_COMPLETE=fish_source circup ~/.config/fish/completions/


If you find a bug, or you want to suggest an enhancement or new feature feel free to create an issue or submit a pull request here:

Discussion of this tool happens on the Adafruit CircuitPython Discord channel.


Please note that this project is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct. By participating in this project you agree to abide by its terms. Participation covers any forum used to converse about CircuitPython including unofficial and official spaces. Failure to do so will result in corrective actions such as time out or ban from the project.


By contributing to this repository you are certifying that you have all necessary permissions to license the code under an MIT License. You still retain the copyright but are granting many permissions under the MIT License.

If you have an employment contract with your employer please make sure that they don’t automatically own your work product. Make sure to get any necessary approvals before contributing. Another term for this contribution off-hours is moonlighting.

Developer Setup


Please try to use Python 3.6+ while developing CircUp. This is so we can use the Black code formatter (which only works with Python 3.6+).

Clone the repository and from the root of the project, install the requirements:

pip install -e ".[dev]"

Run the test suite:

pytest --random-order --cov-config .coveragerc --cov-report term-missing --cov=circup

How Does Circup Work?

The circup tool checks for a connected CircuitPython device by interrogating the local filesystem to find a path to a directory which ends with "CIRCUITPYTHON" (the name under which a CircuitPython device is mounted by the host operating system). This is handled in the find_device function.

A Python module on a connected device is represented by an instance of the Module class. This class provides useful methods for discerning if the module is out of date, returning useful representations of it in order to display information to the user, or updating the module on the connected device with whatever the version is in the latest Adafruit CircuitPython Bundle.

All of the libraries included in the Adafruit CircuitPython Bundle contain, somewhere within their code, two metadata objects called __version__ and __repo__.

The __repo__ object is a string containing the GitHub repository URL, as used to clone the project.

The __version__ object is interesting because within the source code in Git the value is always the string "0.0.0-auto.0". When a new release is made of the bundle, this value is automatically replaced by the build scripts to the correct version information, which will always conform to the semver standard.

Given this context, the circup tool will check a configuration file to discern what it thinks is the latest version of the bundle. If there is no configuration file (for example, on first run), then the bundle version is assumed to be "0".

Next, it checks GitHub for the tag value (denoting the version) of the very latest bundle release. Bundle versions are based upon the date of release, for instance "20190904". If the latest version on GitHub is later than the version circup currently has, then the latest version of the bundle is automatically downloaded and cached away somewhere.

In this way, the circup tool is able to have available to it both a path to a connected CIRCUITPYTHON devce and a copy of the latest version, including the all important version information, of the Adafruit CircuitPython Bundle.

Exactly the same function (get_modules) is used to extract the metadata from the modules on both the connected device and in the bundle cache. This metadata is used to instantiate instances of the Module class which is subsequently used to facilitate the various commands the tool makes available.

These commands are defined at the very end of the code.

Unit tests can be found in the tests directory. CircUp uses pytest style testing conventions. Test functions should include a comment to describe its intention. We currently have 100% unit test coverage for all the core functionality (excluding functions used to define the CLI commands).

To run the full test suite, type:

pytest --random-order --cov-config .coveragerc --cov-report term-missing --cov=circup

All code is formatted using the stylistic conventions enforced by black. Python coding standard are enforced by Pylint and verification of licensing is handled by REUSE. All of these are run using pre-commit, which you can run by using:

pip install pre-commit
pre-commit run --all-files

Please see the output from pre-commit for more information about the various available options to help you work with the code base.

Before submitting a PR, please remember to pre-commit run --all-files. But if you forget the CI process in Github will run it for you. ;-)

CircUp uses the Click module to run command-line interaction. The AppDirs module is used to determine where to store user-specific assets created by the tool in such a way that meets the host operating system’s usual conventions. The python-semver package is used to validate and compare the semver values associated with modules. The ubiquitous requests module is used for HTTP activity.

Documentation, generated by Sphinx, is based on this README and assembled by assets in the doc subdirectory. The latest version of the docs will be found on Read the Docs.

Discussion of this tool happens on the Adafruit CircuitPython Discord channel.


CircUp – a utility to manage and update libraries on a CircuitPython device.

circup.BAD_FILE_FORMAT = 'Invalid'

Version identifier for a bad MPY file format

circup.BOARDLESS_COMMANDS = ['show', 'bundle-add', 'bundle-remove', 'bundle-show']

Commands that do not require an attached board

circup.BUNDLE_CONFIG_FILE = '/home/docs/checkouts/'

The path to the JSON file containing the metadata about the bundles.

circup.BUNDLE_CONFIG_LOCAL = '/home/docs/.local/share/circup/bundle_config_local.json'

The path to the JSON file containing the local list of bundles.

circup.BUNDLE_CONFIG_OVERWRITE = '/home/docs/.local/share/circup/bundle_config.json'

Overwrite the bundles list with this file (only done manually)

circup.BUNDLE_DATA = '/home/docs/.local/share/circup/circup.json'

The path to the JSON file containing the metadata about the bundles.

class circup.Bundle(repo)[source]

All the links and file names for a bundle

Initialise a Bundle created from its github info. Construct all the strings in one place.


repo (str) – Repository string for github: “user/repository”

property current_tag

Lazy load current cached tag from the BUNDLE_DATA json file.


The current cached tag value for the project.

property latest_tag

Lazy find the value of the latest tag for the bundle.


The most recent tag value for the project.


This bundle’s lib directory for the platform.


platform (str) – The platform identifier (py/6mpy/…).


The path to the lib directory for the platform.


The requirements file for this library.


library_name (str) – The name of the library.


The path to the requirements.txt file.


Test the existence of the expected URLs (not their content)

circup.CPY_VERSION = ''

The version of CircuitPython found on the connected device.

circup.DATA_DIR = '/home/docs/.local/share/circup'

The location of data files used by circup (following OS conventions).

circup.LOGFILE = '/home/docs/.cache/circup/log/circup.log'

The location of the log file for the utility.

circup.LOG_DIR = '/home/docs/.cache/circup/log'

The directory containing the utility’s log file.

class circup.Module(path, repo, device_version, bundle_version, mpy, bundle, compatibility)[source]

Represents a CircuitPython module.

The self.file and attributes are constructed from the path value. If the path is to a directory based module, the resulting self.file value will be None, and the name will be the basename of the directory path.

  • path (str) – The path to the module on the connected CIRCUITPYTHON device.

  • repo (str) – The URL of the Git repository for this module.

  • device_version (str) – The semver value for the version on device.

  • bundle_version (str) – The semver value for the version in bundle.

  • mpy (bool) – Flag to indicate if the module is byte-code compiled.

  • bundle (Bundle) – Bundle object where the module is located.

  • compatibility ((str,str)) – Min and max versions of CP compatible with the mpy.

property bad_format

A boolean indicating that the mpy file format could not be identified

property major_update

Returns a boolean to indicate if this is a major version update.


Boolean indicating if this is a major version upgrade

property mpy_mismatch

Returns a boolean to indicate if this module’s MPY version is compatible with the board’s current version of Circuitpython. A min or max version that evals to False means no limit.


Boolean indicating if the MPY versions don’t match.

property outofdate

Returns a boolean to indicate if this module is out of date. Treat mismatched MPY versions as out of date.


Truthy indication if the module is out of date.

property row

Returns a tuple of items to display in a table row to show the module’s name, local version and remote version, and reason to update.


A tuple containing the module’s name, version on the connected device, version in the latest bundle and reason to update.


Delete the module on the device, then copy the module from the bundle back onto the device.

The caller is expected to handle any exceptions raised.

circup.NOT_MCU_LIBRARIES = ['', 'adafruit-blinka', 'adafruit-blinka-bleio', 'adafruit-blinka-displayio', 'adafruit-circuitpython-typing', 'circuitpython_typing', 'pyserial']

The libraries (and blank lines) which don’t go on devices

circup.PLATFORMS = {'7mpy': '7.x-mpy', '8mpy': '7.x-mpy', 'py': 'py'}

Module formats list (and the other form used in github files)


Timeout for requests calls like get()

circup.VERBOSE = False

Flag to indicate if the command is being run in verbose mode.


Most CP repos and library names are look like this:

repo: Adafruit_CircuitPython_LC709203F library: adafruit_lc709203f

But some do not and this handles cleaning that up. Also cleans up if the pypi or reponame is passed in instead of the CP library name.


assumed_library_name (str) – An assumed name of a library from user or requirements.txt entry


str proper library name

circup.completion_for_install(ctx, param, incomplete)[source]

Returns the list of available modules for the command line tab-completion with the circup install command.


Ensure that there’s a copy of the latest library bundle available so circup can check the metadata contained therein.


bundle (Bundle) – the target Bundle object.


Given an file path, return a dictionary containing metadata extracted from dunder attributes found therein. Works with both .py and .mpy files.

For Python source files, such metadata assignments should be simple and single-line. For example:

__version__ = "1.1.4"
__repo__ = ""

For byte compiled .mpy files, a brute force / backtrack approach is used to find the __version__ number in the file – see comments in the code for the implementation details.


path (str) – The path to the file containing the metadata.


The dunder based metadata found in the file, as a dictionary.


Return the location on the filesystem for the connected CircuitPython device. This is based upon how Mu discovers this information.


The path to the device on the local filesystem.

circup.find_modules(device_path, bundles_list)[source]

Extracts metadata from the connected device and available bundles and returns this as a list of Module instances representing the modules on the device.

  • device_path (str) – The path to the connected board.

  • bundles_list (Bundle) – List of supported bundles as Bundle objects.


A list of Module instances describing the current state of the modules on the connected device.

circup.get_bundle(bundle, tag)[source]

Downloads and extracts the version of the bundle with the referenced tag. The resulting zip file is saved on the local filesystem.

  • bundle (Bundle) – the target Bundle object.

  • tag (str) – The GIT tag to use to download the bundle.

circup.get_bundle_versions(bundles_list, avoid_download=False)[source]

Returns a dictionary of metadata from modules in the latest known release of the library bundle. Uses the Python version (rather than the compiled version) of the library modules.

  • bundles_list (Bundle) – List of supported bundles as Bundle objects.

  • avoid_download (bool) – if True, download the bundle only if missing.


A dictionary of metadata about the modules available in the library bundle.


Retrieve the dictionary from BUNDLE_CONFIG_FILE (JSON). Put the local dictionary in front, so it gets priority. It’s a dictionary of bundle string identifiers.


Combined dictionaries from the config files.


Retrieve the list of bundles from the config dictionary.


List of supported bundles as Bundle objects.


Retrieve the local bundles from BUNDLE_CONFIG_LOCAL (JSON).


Raw dictionary from the config file(s).


Returns the version number of CircuitPython running on the board connected via device_path, along with the board ID. This is obtained from the boot_out.txt file on the device, whose first line will start with something like this:

Adafruit CircuitPython 4.1.0 on 2019-08-02;

While the second line is:

Board ID:raspberry_pi_pico

device_path (str) – The path to the connected board.


A tuple with the version string for CircuitPython and the board ID string.


Return the version of circup that is running. If not available, return None.


Current version of circup, or None.

circup.get_dependencies(*requested_libraries, mod_names, to_install=())[source]

Return a list of other CircuitPython libraries

  • requested_libraries (tuple) – The libraries to search for dependencies

  • mod_names (object) – All the modules metadata from bundle

  • to_install (list(str)) – Modules already selected for installation.


tuple of module names to install which we build


Returns a dictionary of metadata from modules on the connected device.


device_path (str) – Path to the device volume.


A dictionary of metadata about the modules available on the connected device.


Find the tag name of the latest release by using HTTP HEAD and decoding the redirect.


url (str) – URL to the latest release page on a git repository.


The most recent tag value for the release.


Get a dictionary containing metadata about all the Python modules found in the referenced path.


path (str) – The directory in which to find modules.


A dictionary containing metadata about the found modules.

circup.install_module(device_path, device_modules, name, pyext, mod_names)[source]

Finds a connected device and installs a given module name if it is available in the current module bundle and is not already installed on the device. TODO: There is currently no check for the version.

  • device_path (str) – The path to the connected board.

  • device_modules (list(dict)) – List of module metadata from the device.

  • name (str) – Name of module to install

  • pyext (bool) – Boolean to specify if the module should be installed from source or from a pre-compiled module

  • mod_names – Dictionary of metadata from modules that can be generated with get_bundle_versions()

circup.libraries_from_imports(code_py, mod_names)[source]

Parse the given file and return the imported libraries


code_py (str) – Full path of the file


sequence of library names


Clean up supplied requirements.txt and turn into tuple of CP libraries


requirements (str) – A string version of a requirements.txt


tuple of library names


Save the list of local bundles to the settings.


key (str) – The bundle’s identifier/key.


Load the list of the version tags of the bundles on disk.


a dict() of tags indexed by Bundle identifiers/keys.

circup.tags_data_save_tag(key, tag)[source]

Add or change the saved tag value for a bundle.

  • key (str) – The bundle’s identifier/key.

  • tag (str) – The new tag for the bundle.


MIT License

Copyright (c) 2019 Adafruit Industries

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the “Software”), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:

The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.