
FancyLED is a CircuitPython library to assist in creating buttery smooth LED animation. It’s loosely inspired by the FastLED library for Arduino, and in fact we have a “helper” library using similar function names to assist with porting of existing Arduino FastLED projects to CircuitPython.

  • Author(s): PaintYourDragon
class adafruit_fancyled.adafruit_fancyled.CHSV(h, s=1.0, v=1.0)[source]

Color stored in Hue, Saturation, Value color space.

Accepts hue as float (any range) or integer (0-256 -> 0.0-1.0) with no clamping performed (hue can ‘wrap around’), saturation and value as float (0.0 to 1.0) or integer (0 to 255), both are clamped and stored internally in the normalized (float) format. Latter two are optional, can pass juse hue and saturation/value will default to 1.0.

Unlike CRGB (which can take a CHSV as input), there’s currently no equivalent RGB-to-HSV conversion, mostly because it’s a bit like trying to reverse a hash…there may be multiple HSV solutions for a given RGB input.

This might be OK as long as conversion precedence is documented, but otherwise (and maybe still) could cause confusion as certain HSV->RGB->HSV translations won’t have the same input and output.


‘Pack’ a CHSV color into a 24-bit RGB integer.

Returns:24-bit integer a la 0x00RRGGBB.
class adafruit_fancyled.adafruit_fancyled.CRGB(red, green=0.0, blue=0.0)[source]

Color stored in Red, Green, Blue color space.

One of two ways: separate red, gren, blue values (either as integers (0 to 255 range) or floats (0.0 to 1.0 range), either type is ‘clamped’ to valid range and stored internally in the normalized (float) format), OR can accept a CHSV color as input, which will be converted and stored in RGB format.

Following statements are equivalent - all return red:

c = CRGB(255, 0, 0)
c = CRGB(1.0, 0.0, 0.0)
c = CRGB(CHSV(0.0, 1.0, 1.0))

‘Pack’ a CRGB color into a 24-bit RGB integer.

Returns:24-bit integer a la 0x00RRGGBB.
adafruit_fancyled.adafruit_fancyled.clamp(val, lower, upper)[source]

Constrain value within a numeric range (inclusive).

adafruit_fancyled.adafruit_fancyled.denormalize(val, inplace=False)[source]

Convert normalized (0.0 to 1.0) value to 8-bit (0 to 255) value

Accepts float, 0.0 to 1.0 range or a list or tuple of floats. In list case, ‘inplace’ can be used to control whether the original list is modified (True) or a new list is generated and returned (False).

Returns integer, 0 to 255 range, or list of integers (or None if inplace).

adafruit_fancyled.adafruit_fancyled.expand_gradient(gradient, length)[source]

Convert gradient palette into standard equal-interval palette.

Parameters:gradient (sequence) – List or tuple of of 2-element lists/tuples containing position (0.0 to 1.0) and color (packed int, CRGB or CHSV). It’s OK if the list/tuple elements are either lists OR tuples, but don’t mix and match lists and tuples – use all one or the other.
Returns:CRGB list, can be used with palette_lookup() function.
adafruit_fancyled.adafruit_fancyled.gamma_adjust(val, gamma_value=None, brightness=1.0, inplace=False)[source]

Provides gamma adjustment for single values, CRGB and CHSV types and lists of any of these.

Works in one of three ways:
  1. Accepts a single normalized level (0.0 to 1.0) and optional gamma-adjustment factor (float usu. > 1.0, default if unspecified is GFACTOR) and brightness (float 0.0 to 1.0, default is 1.0). Returns a single normalized gamma-corrected brightness level (0.0 to 1.0).
  2. Accepts a single CRGB or CHSV type, optional single gamma factor OR a (R,G,B) gamma tuple (3 values usu. > 1.0), optional single brightness factor OR a (R,G,B) brightness tuple. The input tuples are RGB even when a CHSV color is passed. Returns a normalized gamma-corrected CRGB type (NOT CHSV!).
  3. Accept a list or tuple of normalized levels, CRGB or CHSV types (and optional gamma and brightness levels or tuples applied to all). Returns a list of gamma-corrected values or CRGB types (NOT CHSV!).

In cases 2 and 3, if the input is a list (NOT a tuple!), the ‘inplace’ flag determines whether a new tuple/list is calculated and returned, or the existing value is modified in-place. By default this is ‘False’. If you try to inplace-modify a tuple, an exception is raised.

In cases 2 and 3, there is NO return value if ‘inplace’ is True – the original values are modified.

adafruit_fancyled.adafruit_fancyled.mix(color1, color2, weight2=0.5)[source]

Blend between two colors using given ratio. Accepts two colors (each may be CRGB, CHSV or packed integer), and weighting (0.0 to 1.0) of second color.

Returns:CRGB color in most cases, CHSV if both inputs are CHSV.
adafruit_fancyled.adafruit_fancyled.normalize(val, inplace=False)[source]

Convert 8-bit (0 to 255) value to normalized (0.0 to 1.0) value.

Accepts integer, 0 to 255 range (input is clamped) or a list or tuple of integers. In list case, ‘inplace’ can be used to control whether the original list is modified (True) or a new list is generated and returned (False).

Returns float, 0.0 to 1.0 range, or list of floats (or None if inplace).

adafruit_fancyled.adafruit_fancyled.palette_lookup(palette, position)[source]

Fetch color from color palette, with interpolation.

  • palette – color palette (list of CRGB, CHSV and/or packed integers)
  • position (float) – palette position (0.0 to 1.0, wraps around).

CRGB or CHSV instance, no gamma correction applied.


‘Unpack’ a 24-bit color into a CRGB instance.

Parameters:val (int) – 24-bit integer a la 0x00RRGGBB.
Returns:CRGB color.
Return type:CRGB


CircuitPython “helper” library based on the Arduino FastLED library. Uses similar function names to assist with porting of existing Arduino FastLED projects to CircuitPython.

  • Author(s): PaintYourDragon
adafruit_fancyled.fastled_helpers.ColorFromPalette(pal, pos, brightness=255, blend=False)[source]

Approximates the FastLED ColorFromPalette() function

ACCEPTS: color palette (list of CRGB, CSHV and/or packed ints),
palette index (x16) + blend factor of next index (0-15) – e.g. pass 32 to retrieve palette index 2, or 40 for an interpolated value between palette index 2 and 3, optional brightness (0-255), optional blend flag (True/False)

RETURNS: CRGB color, no gamma correction

adafruit_fancyled.fastled_helpers.applyGamma_video(n, g_r=2.5, g_g=None, g_b=None, inplace=False)[source]

Approximates various invocations of FastLED’s many-ways-overloaded applyGamma_video() function.

ACCEPTS: One of three ways:
  1. A single brightness level (0-255) and optional gamma-correction factor (float usu. > 1.0, default if unspecified is 2.5).
  2. A single CRGB, CHSV or packed integer type and optional gamma factor or separate R, G, B gamma values.
  3. A list of CRGB, CHSV or packed integer types (and optional gamma(s)).

In the tuple/list cases, the ‘inplace’ flag determines whether a new tuple/list is calculated and returned, or the existing value is modified in-place. By default this is ‘False’. Can also use the napplyGamma_video() function to more directly approximate FastLED syntax/behavior.

RETURNS: Corresponding to above cases:
  1. Single gamma-corrected brightness level (0-255).
  2. A gamma-corrected CRGB value (even if input is CHSV or packed).
  3. A list of gamma-corrected CRGB values.

In the tuple/list cases, there is NO return value if ‘inplace’ is true – the original values are modified.

adafruit_fancyled.fastled_helpers.hsv2rgb_spectrum(hue, sat, val)[source]

This is named the same thing as FastLED’s simpler HSV to RGB function (spectrum, vs rainbow) but implementation is a bit different for the sake of getting something running (adapted from some NeoPixel code).

ACCEPTS: hue, saturation, value in range 0 to 255 RETURNS: CRGB color.

adafruit_fancyled.fastled_helpers.loadDynamicGradientPalette(src, size)[source]

Kindasorta like FastLED’s loadDynamicGradientPalette() function, with some gotchas.

ACCEPTS: Gradient palette data as a ‘bytes’ type (makes it easier to copy
over gradient palettes from existing FastLED Arduino sketches)… each palette entry is four bytes: a relative position (0-255) within the overall resulting palette (whatever its size), and 3 values for R, G and B…and a length for a new palette list to be allocated.

RETURNS: list of CRGB colors.

adafruit_fancyled.fastled_helpers.napplyGamma_video(n, g_r=2.5, g_g=None, g_b=None)[source]

In-place version of applyGamma_video() (to mimic FastLED function name). This is for RGB tuples and tuple lists (not the prior function’s integer case)