
CircuitPython library for PM2.5 Air Quality Sensors

  • Author(s): ladyada

Implementation Notes


Works with most (any?) Plantower UART or I2C interfaced PM2.5 sensor.

Software and Dependencies:

class adafruit_pm25.PM25

Super-class for generic PM2.5 sensors.


Subclasses must implement _read_into_buffer to fill self._buffer with a packet of data

read() dict

Read any available data from the air quality sensor and return a dictionary with available particulate/quality data

Note that “standard” concentrations are those when corrected to standard atmospheric conditions (288.15 K, 1013.25 hPa), and “environmental” concentrations are those measure in the current atmospheric conditions.


I2C module for CircuitPython library for PM2.5 Air Quality Sensors

  • Author(s): ladyada

Implementation Notes


Works with most (any?) Plantower I2C interfaced PM2.5 sensor.

Software and Dependencies:

class adafruit_pm25.i2c.PM25_I2C(i2c_bus: I2C, reset_pin: digitalio.DigitalInOut = None, address: int = 18)

A module for using the PM2.5 Air quality sensor over I2C

  • i2c_bus – The busio.I2C object to use.

  • reset_pin (Pin) – Pin use to reset the sensor. Defaults to None

  • address (int) – The I2C address of the device. Defaults to 0x12

Quickstart: Importing and using the PMSA003I Air quality sensor

Here is one way of importing the PM25_I2C class so you can use it with the name pm25. First you will need to import the libraries to use the sensor

import board
import busio
from adafruit_pm25.i2c import PM25_I2C

Once this is done you can define your busio.I2C object and define your sensor object

i2c = busio.I2C(board.SCL, board.SDA, frequency=100000)
reset_pin = None
pm25 = PM25_I2C(i2c, reset_pin)

Now you have access to the air quality data using the class function

aqdata =


UART module for CircuitPython library for PM2.5 Air Quality Sensors

  • Author(s): ladyada

Implementation Notes


Works with most (any?) Plantower UART or I2C interfaced PM2.5 sensor.

Software and Dependencies:

class adafruit_pm25.uart.PM25_UART(uart: UART, reset_pin: digitalio.DigitalInOut = None)

A driver for the PM2.5 Air quality sensor over UART

  • uart (UART) – The busio.UART object to use.

  • reset_pin (Pin) – Pin use to reset the sensor. Defaults to None

Quickstart: Importing and using the PMS5003 Air quality sensor

Here is one way of importing the PM25_UART class so you can use it with the name pm25. First you will need to import the libraries to use the sensor

import board
import busio
from adafruit_pm25.uart import PM25_UART

Once this is done you can define your busio.UART object and define your sensor object

uart = busio.UART(board.TX, board.RX, baudrate=9600)
reset_pin = None
pm25 = PM25_UART(uart, reset_pin)

Now you have access to the air quality data using the class function

aqdata =