
This is a CircuitPython Driver for the STMPE610 Resistive Touch sensor

  • Author(s): Jerry Needell, CedarGroveMakerStudios

Implementation Notes


Software and Dependencies:

class adafruit_stmpe610.Adafruit_STMPE610

A class (driver) for the STMPE610 Resistive Touch controller used by the 2.4” 320x240 TFT FeatherWing display (#3315), 3.5” 480x320 TFT FeatherWing display (#3651), and the Resistive Touch Screen Controller - STMPE610 breakout board (#1571). This class acts as a super class for the I2C and SPI interface classes.

This class was modified from the original to add the Displayio Button compatible touch_point property to the existing functionality.

See the examples folder for instantiation kwargs and properties.

property buffer_empty: bool

Buffer empty status.

property buffer_size: int

The amount of touch data in the buffer.

property get_point: Dict[str, int]

Read one touch from the buffer.

property get_version: int

Read the version number from the sensor.

read_data() Tuple[int, int, int]

Request next stored reading - return tuple containing (x,y,pressure).

property touched: bool

Report if any touches were detected.

property touches: List[Dict[str, int]]

Returns a list of touchpoint dicts, with ‘x’ and ‘y’ containing the touch coordinates, and ‘pressure’.

class adafruit_stmpe610.Adafruit_STMPE610_I2C(i2c: I2C, address: int = 65, calibration: Tuple[Tuple[int, int], Tuple[int, int]] | None = None, size: Tuple[Tuple[int, int], Tuple[int, int]] | None = None, disp_rotation: Literal[0, 90, 180, 270] = 0, touch_flip: Tuple[bool, bool] = (False, False))

I2C interface class for the STMPE610 Resistive Touch sensor.

  • i2c – I2C interface bus

  • address (int) – I2C address. Defaults to 0x41

  • calibration (None, (int, int)) – touchscreen calibration tuple. Defaults to None.

  • size (None, (int, int)) – display size tuple (width, height). Defaults to None.

  • disp_rotation (int) – display rotation in degrees. Values allowed are 0, 90, 180, and 270. Defaults to 0.

  • touch_flip ((bool, bool)) – swap touchscreen axis range minimum and maximum values for (x, y) axes as referenced to display 0-degree rotation. Defaults to (False, False).

** Quickstart: Importing and instantiating Adafruit_STMPE610_I2C**

Import the Adafruit_STMPE610_I2C class and instantiate for the 2.4” TFT Wing after instantiating the display:

import adafruit_stmpe610
ts = adafruit_stmpe610.Adafruit_STMPE610_I2C(board.I2C(), address=0x41,
    calibration=((357, 3812), (390, 3555)),
    size=(display.width, display.height), disp_rotation=display.rotation,
    touch_flip=(False, False))
property touch_point: Tuple[int, int, int] | None

Read latest touched point value and convert to calibration-adjusted and rotated display coordinates. Commpatible with Displayio Button. :return: x, y, pressure rtype: int, int, int

class adafruit_stmpe610.Adafruit_STMPE610_SPI(spi: SPI, cs: Pin, baudrate: int = 1000000, calibration: Tuple[Tuple[int, int], Tuple[int, int]] | None = None, size: Tuple[int, int] | None = None, disp_rotation: Literal[0, 90, 180, 270] = 0, touch_flip: Tuple[bool, bool] = (False, False))

SPI interface class for the STMPE610 Resistive Touch sensor.

  • spi – SPI interface bus

  • cs (pin) – touchscreen SPI interface chip select pin

  • baudrate (int) – SPI interface clock speed in Hz. Defaults to 1000000 (1MHz).

  • calibration (None, (int, int)) – touchscreen calibration tuple. Defaults to None.

  • size (None, (int, int)) – display size tuple (width, height). Defaults to None.

  • disp_rotation (int) – display rotation in degrees. Values allowed are 0, 90, 180, and 270. Defaults to 0.

  • touch_flip ((bool, bool)) – swap touchscreen axis range minimum and maximum values for (x, y) axes as referenced to display 0-degree rotation. Defaults to (False, False).

** Quickstart: Importing and instantiating Adafruit_STMPE610_I2C**

Import the Adafruit_STMPE610_SPI class and instantiate for the 2.4” TFT Wing after instantiating the display:

import adafruit_stmpe610
ts = adafruit_stmpe610.Adafruit_STMPE610_SPI(spi, cs=cs_pin,
    calibration=((357, 3812), (390, 3555)),
    size=(display.width, display.height), disp_rotation=display.rotation,
    touch_flip=(False, False))
property touch_point: Tuple[int, int, int] | None

Read latest touched point value and convert to calibration-adjusted and rotated display coordinates. Commpatible with Displayio Button. :return: x, y, pressure rtype: int, int, int

adafruit_stmpe610.map_range(x: float, in_min: float, in_max: float, out_min: float, out_max: float) float

Maps a value from one range to another. Values beyond the input minimum or maximum will be limited to the minimum or maximum of the output range.


Returns value mapped to new range

Return type:
